Technology Policy/Social Issues in Computing
- A Story Arc from Tron to Sora - Part 2: An Interview with Judson Rosebush (March, 2025)
162 ]
- A Story Arc from Tron to Sora - Part 1: An Interview with Judson Rosebush (January, 2025)
282 ]
- Healthy Skepticism (with John King, Phil Armour and Bob Charette) (November, 2024)
- Bruce Scheier on AI Security (interview) (November, 2024)
527 ]
- Election Integrity in the United States: How Will 2024 Compare to 2020? (October, 2024)
535 ]
- A Collapsing Academy V: Internal and External Threat Vectors Facing Higher Education (July, 2024)
892 ]
- Social Media, Cognitive Dysfunction, and Social Disruption (May, 2024)
977 ]
- Generative AI, Semantic Entropy, and the Big Sort (January, 2024)
1293 ]
- The Thousand Talents Program Prosecutions in Context (November, 2023)
1408 ]
- Fatal Flaws in ChatAI as a Content Generator (September, 2023)
1633 ]
- “Free” Online Services and Gonzo Capitalism (July, 2023) [
1685 ]
- ChatGPT and AIChat Epistemology (May, 2023) [
9913 ]
- 911 Swatting, VoIP and Doxxing (March, 2023) [
3263 ]
- The Dictator's Dilemma and the "Sovereignty of Cyberspace" Delusion
(January, 2023) [
2343 ]
- Social Media and the Banality of (Online) Crowds (November, 2022) [
573 ]
- Ukraine Aftershocks (November, 2022)
- A Collapsing Academy IV: How Did Memory and Gag Laws Gain Admission?(September, 2022) [
3634 ]
- Prosperity Theology Goes Online: Will This Be A Fifth Great Awakening?(July, 2022) [
4127 ]
- The QAnon Phenomenon: The Storm Has Always Been Among Us (May, 2022) [
4674 ]
- The Collapsing Academy - III: Scientometrics and Metric Mania? (March, 2022)
4842 ]
- The State of The Art in Voting Machine Technology: Just How Reliable Are They? (January, 2022)
6049 ]
- The Online Disinformation Opera (December, 2021)
6839 ]
- The Collapsing Academy - II: Cancel Culture Goes to College (October, 2021)
7263 ]
- It's On: COVID-19, Risk Ecology, and Preparedness Tips (July, 2020)
- The Collapsing Academy - I: Unhinging from Core Principles (July, 2020)
6886 ]
- The Equifax Hack Revisited and Repurposed (May, 2020)
12013 ]
- New Perspectives on (Anti) Social Media (March, 2020)
6494 ]
- A Critical Look at the 2019 College Admissions Scandal (January, 2020)
8976 ]
- The Sokol Hoax: A 25-Year Retrospective (March, 2020)
8300 ]
- Moral Hazards in the Cyber Vulnerability Markets (December, 2019)
9458 ]
- Huawei, BIS and the IEEE: it’s Déjà vu all over again (October, 2019)
8445 ]
- Codes of Ethics in a Post-Truth World (March, 2019)
8174 ]
- Vehicle Telematics: The Good, Bad, and Ugly (January, 2019)
11196 ]
- Election Integrity 2018: Are We Better Off Than We Were in 2016 (November, 2018)
9985 ]
- The Genesis of Postmodern Disinformatics (November, 2018)
9058 ]
- The Online Trolling Ecosystem (August, 2018)
9009 ]
- Newton's Great Insight (July, 2018)
9159 ]
- Malice Domestic: The Cambridge Analytica Dystopia (May, 2018)
9838 ]
- Weaponizing Twitter Litter: Abuse-Forming Networks and Social Media (April, 2018)
8663 ]
- Trolling Pathologies (March, 2018)
8864 ]
- Bruce Schneier on Future Digital Threats (February, 2018)
8717 ]
- Disinformatics: The Discipline behind Grand Deceptions (January, 2018)
9396 ]
- Equifax and the Latest Round of Identity Theft Roulette (December, 2017)
636 ]
- The New Science Wars (November, 2017)
9357 ]
- Net Neutrality Reloaded (October, 2017)
9375 ]
- Oh, What a Tangled
Web: Russian
Hacking, Fake News,
and the 2016 US
Presidential Election (September, 2017)
9643 ]
- Which Is More Dangerous—the Dark Web or the Deep State? (July, 2017)
9871 ]
- A Quick Take on Windows Security Evolution (May, 2017)
9653 ]
- Alt-News and Post-Truths in the “Fake News” Era (April, 2017)
10413 ]
- On the Problem of Cyber-Attribution(March, 2017)
9501 ]
- Lies, Damn Lies, and Fake News (February, 2017)
12211 ]
- Software Sophistry and Political Sleight of Hand (January, 2017)
9406 ]
- Chasing Elbridges Ghost: Digital Gerrymandering (November, 2016)
11141 ]
- Douglas Jones on Today's Voting Machines (October, 2016)
9482 ]
- Coda in the Key of F2654hD4 (September, 2016)
12803 ]
- The Polyanna Delusion (August, 2016)
9539 ]
- The Dictator's Dilemma (July, 2016)
11518 ]
- Attenuated FAQs (May, 2016)
9176 ]
- The Bogus Science Theorem (and the Junk Science Wager) (April, 2016)
9707 ]
- Net Neutrality vs. Net Neutering (March, 2016)
11647 ]
- Secretocracy (February, 2016)
10629 ]
- Digital Politics 2016 (January 2016)
2614 ]
- What Price Gonzo Ethics? (December, 2015)
12250 ]
- The Dystory of Ahmed's Clock (November, 2015)
9608 ]
- Legislating Technology (Badly) (October, 2015)
16393 ]
- STEM Crazy (September, 2015)
10011 ]
- TSA: Mission Creep Meets Waste (August, 2015)
19727 ]
- A Farewell to Air Gaps - II (July, 2015)
11197 ]
- A Farewell to Air Gaps - I (June, 2015)
10931 ]
- What Makes A Good Column (May, 2015)
12515 ]
- Borderline Executive Disorder (April, 2015)
10591 ]
- Noirware (March, 2015)
1652 ]
- Cyber Chutzpah: The Sony Hack and the Celebration of Hyperbole (February, 2015)
12120 ]
- The $149 Gamble (January, 2015)
10126 ]
- Judson Rosebush on Graphics and Animation (December, 2014)
11361 ]
- Why Clouds Give Me a Case of the Vapors (November, 2014)
15492 ]
- Defending Against Big Dada (October, 2014)
14586 ]
- Sticky Wikis (September, 2014)
10929 ]
- The Future of Digital Money Laundering (August, 2014)
11885 ]
- Robert David Steele on OSINT (July, 2014)
14111 ]
- Leadership Failures in the National Security Complex (June, 2014)
12296 ]
- PII, the FTC, Car Dealers, and You (May, 2014)
13899 ]
- Scapegoat Politics and Mr. Snowden's Legacy (April, 2014)
13797 ]
- Reflections on STEM (March, 2014)
12017 ]
- Moral Hazards, Negative Externalities, and the Surveillance Economy (February, 2014)
15824 ]
- Privacy Informatics (January, 2014)
15465 ]
- The Intimidation Factor (December, 2013)
28470 ]
- Toxic Cookies (September, 2013)
15579 ]
- Through the PRISM Darkly (July, 2013)
15071 ]
- Computing Technology and Survivable Journalism (May, 2013)
14744 ]
- The SCDOR Hack: Great Security Theater in Five Stages (March, 2013)
17208 ]
- RFIDiocy: It's déjà vu all over again (January, 2013)
16215 ]
- Stratfor or Stratagainst (November, 2012)
14731 ]
- The Dumbing Down of SportPhishing (September, 2012)
15665 ]
- The OuijAmazon Desktop Metaphor (July, 2012)
13472 ]
- Breaking the Fourth Wall of Electronic Crime: Blame it on the Thespians (May, 2012)
15162 ]
- WikiLeaks and the Matter of Private Manning (March, 2012)
19316 ]
- Identity Theft and Financial Fraud: Some Strangeness in the Proportions (January, 2012)
19048 ]
- BRAP Forensics: Boutique Computer Activity Mining vs. Personal Privacy Management (June, 2008)
183777 ]
- Faith-Based Security (April, 2008)
23741 ]
- Credit Card Forensics (December, 2007)
132205 ]
- Better-than-Nothing Security Practices
(August, 2007)
21618 ]
- Hiding Data, Forensics and Anti-Forensics
(April, 2007)
248950 ]
- Fungible Credentials and 'Next Generation Fraud'
(December, 2006)
49077 ]
- Disk Wiping by any Other Name
(August, 2006)
146685 ]
- Phishing Mongers and Posers (April, 2006)
31988 ]
- Pernicious Ports (December, 2005)
137085 ]
- WiFi Attack Vectors (August, 2005)
180688 ]
- The Two Sides of ROI: Return-on-Investment vs. Risk-of-Incarceration (April, 2005)
339 ]
- Wireless InFidelity II: Airjacking (December, 2004)
151154 ]
- Wireless InFidelity I: War Driving (July, 2004)
187336 ]
- Wading into Alternate Data Streams (April, 2004)
35492 ]
- SoBig, W32/Blaster and the Malware Month of the Millenium (December, 2003)
30644 ]
- The Discipline of Internet Forensics (August, 2003)
56163 ]
- Anonymizing the Net (April, 2003)
38703 ]
- Responsible Web Caching (September, 2002)
27239 ]
- Hijacking the Web (April, 2002)
32496 ]
- The Code Red Worm (November, 2001)
- E_Commerce: Business at the Speed of Sleet (August, 2001)
- Caustic Cookies (April, 2001)
- Digital Politics 2000 (Nov, 2000)
- Predatory Disintermediation (May, 2000)
- Social Security Numbers, Theft Identity, and the Web (November, 1999)
- The Cost of Having
Analog Executives in a Digital World (August, 1999)
- Y2k and Xday (May, 1999)
- Value-Added Publishing (January, 1999)
- Who Won the Mosaic War? (October, 1998)
- The Year 2000 Problem
and the New Riddle of Induction (March, 1998)
- Watermarking Cyberspace (November, 1997)
- The Communications
Decency Act, Informal Logic and the Wapnerization of Cyberspace (July, 1997)
- Email: the good, the bad and the ugly (April, 1997)
- Cyberspace 2000: Dealing with Information Overload (February, 1997)
- Digital Politics (October, 1996)
- Technology Policy in the Information Age (June, 1996)
- HTML Compliance and the Return of the Test Pattern (February, 1996)
- Maiden Voyage: Digital Villages and Cyberspace (November, 1995)
- The 2012 Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crime Conference (Winter, 2013)
- Bandwidth Bandits Old and New (Fall, 2012)
- Online Gaming in the Jurassic Period
(Summer, 2012)
- Digital Watermarking for Fun and Profit
(Spring, 2012)
- Some Thoughts on the Art and Practice of Avoiding Identity Theft and Financial Fraud
(Winter, 2012)
- Identity Theft and Financial Fraud - 2010 in Review
(Fall, 2011)
- Cyberwarfare 2011: Let the Stuxnet Games Begin
(Summer, 2011)
- Cablegate - Security Theater in Three Acts (give or take)
(Spring, 2011)
- The Afghanistan War Diary Wikileak
(Winter, 2011)
- Stuck on Stupid : Dumb Decisions in IT
(Fall, 2010)
- PCI Insecurity and Life in a Shadow Economy
(Spring, 2010)
- Are Your Web Bugs No-See-Ums?
(Winter, 2010)
- Ways We Invite Identity Theft
(Fall, 2009)
- RFID and Nuance
(Spring, 2009)
- Defcon 16 Revisited
(Winter, 2009)
- Digital Vaults, Crypts and Ossuaries
(Fall, 2008)
- Security-Through-Obscurity: there's less to this than meets the eye
(Spring, 2008)
- Oga get no Dolla Chop. Magha get last laugh.-
The Nigerian 419 Scam Gets Gypped in the Marsh
(Winter 2008)
- Why Can't We Get Rid of Spam? (Fall 2007)
- Phish Phactors(Spring 2007)
- How Vendor-Specific Websites and Bogus Error Messages Can Destroy a Web Presence(Winter 2007)
- What Really Happens When Your SYSAD Sanitizes Your Disk Drives? (August 2006)
- Mag Stripe Mania: Credit Card Fraud and the Right Hand Rule of Physics (Spring 2006)
- Malware's Second Coming (Winter 2006)
- Mutual Authentication, Plastic, and Phishing (Fall 2005)
- ROI vs. OSA: Return-on-Investment vs. Orange Suit Avoidance (Spring 2005)
- Why Wireless Networks are Insecure? (Winter 2005)
- Defense-in-Depth: Hardening the BIOS (Fall, 2004)
- Practical Hints for Password
Protection (Spring, 2004)